Cider with Evans

Garden Cider Company

Formed in 2010. This is one of these makers that take in spare apples that are normally wasted and exchange them for cider. A brilliant idea and well worth supporting.

They're still very local in Surrey so if you see their cider anywhere get it, both bottles I tried were very nice.


Medium Dry

Light yellow, clear very slight fizz.

Good fresh elderflower nose.

Oh lovely mellow soft elderflower flavour. Not flowery and perfumed as some and not too sweet. Nice aftertaste. You could easily drink several before it gets sickly.

Garden Cider Company Elderflower review
Garden Cider Company Elderflower review


Medium Dry

Very light yellow, clear and big initial fizz with a bit of sparkle after.

A slight musty apple smell but not unpleasant.

Taste is appley, good and refreshing. Slight tartness and a bit of a grab at the back of 5he throat. Dry end of medium dry but not a huge amount of tannin.. Very well balanced. Good long aftertaste.

Good session cider at 5% and could easily drink a bottle or 2 on a warm evening.

Garden Cider Company Original review
Garden Cider Company Original review

Raspberry & Rhubarb

Medium Sweet

Dark peach pink colour, clear and sparkling

Nose is mainly of the rhubarb but not overpowering and a little bit floral.

Initial taste is earthy raspberry but sweetens and sharpens with the aftertaste leaving a nice mouth wetness.

Little bit artificial Raspberry squash flavour to me and a touch on the sweet side. The Rhubarb is very hard to place in there, you get a little bit in the lingering aftertaste, but not enough in my opinion.

Garden Cider Company Raspberry & Rhubarb review
Garden Cider Company Raspberry & Rhubarb review

Wild Strawberry

Medium Sweet

Reddish pink peach colour, clear and slightly sparkling

Genuine wild strawberry nose

Yup strawberry and a nice genuine flavour of strawberry. Slightly sweetened (but that may come from the fruit) and very little or no sharpness from the apple. All about the strawberry this one but not in a bad way. Lovely long lingering sweet fruity aftertaste. Apparently has Blackcurrent in it as well but I didn’t notice much on the taste myself I must say. It’s sweet but not sickly sweet.

I’d serve this chilled on a hot summer's day or as a desert cider and it would go down lovely. As sweet fruit ciders go itsTop notch. I couldn’t drink many but if you’re looking for sweet fruit this is the one for you.

Garden Cider Company Wild Strawberry review
Garden Cider Company Wild Strawberry review

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