Cider with Evans

Hurstwood Cider

A one-woman band based in High Hurstwood and a genuine farm cider (I've been there). I probably drink more of this cider than any other mainly because it's bloody good and very much in part because it's the local cider maker to my girlfriend and she buys a lot. The fact that the pub next door to her place sells it as well helps a great deal.

You'll have to go hunting for this one if you're anywhere near the Ashdown Forest as sadly she doesn't do mail order, and the website needs an update (I assume she's too busy brewing more cider to keep me supplied)



Mix of desert and bittersweet apples  

Pale yellow, clear sparkling. Slightly sour nose but generally of well fermented apples. 

Lovely apple/pear flavour, mouth watering medium sherbet tingle on the tongue. Lovely long fruity sweetish aftertaste and very mouth watering. Probably on the sweeter side of medium. I like it, but prefer the Medium Dry personally.

Hurstwood Cider Medium review
Hurstwood Cider Medium review

Medium Dry

Medium Dry

Officially my 100th cider review, not that they're in any order.

Straw yellow, slightly hazy, sparkling.

Nice gently yeasty farmyard nose with an obvious amount of cooking apple skins.

Lovely crisp slightly tart taste initially with a fair amount of fruit, but mellows to a nice bittersweet flavour with just a touch of sourness. Fizzes and rolls off the tongue and the tartness grabs you nicely in the back of the throat but without being too dry. It has an aftertaste that that lasts and leaves a lovely fruity juicy feel in the mouth.

Lovely on a warm summer's day and is a great session cider as we have proven on several occasions

Hurstwood Cider Medium Dry review
Hurstwood Cider Medium Dry review
Hurstwood Cider Medium Dry review

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