Cider with Evans

Nightingale cider company

Modern cider maker with a handful of different ciders. Different than most in that they use cans to supply the cider. I've tried The Falstaff in both cider and can and I can confirm there isn't a huge difference flavour wise. But I am a traditionalist...

Falstaff Bramley

Medium Dry

So this this is something you only get with proper cider, I've tasted 3 different years of the Falstaff from Nightingale and the strength is different every year which is to be expected as it depends on the sugar in the fruit, and you don't want to add extra sugar.

Cloudy pale yellow, Flat (in the bottle), very sparkling from the tin.

Taste this year (2023). Quite tart apple with hint of gooseberry. Bittersweet with not much tannin and leaves a nice fruity juicy mouth with just a hint of dryness in the back of the mouth. Nice kind of mixed fruit aftertaste. I found it's one of these ciders that preferred a bit of chilling.

Really good now and better than last year so the rating's gone up by one. It comes in at 5.8% this year.

Taste 2022 - Big lovely fresh apple skin and floral nose.

Bittersweet, and quite sharp. Strong zesty Bramley cider taste. Catches nicely the back of the throat which makes it very refreshing. Mellows quickly to a nice gentle bitter sour aftertaste.

Not a session cider even though it comes in cans especially at 6.2%

Nightingale cider company Falstaff Bramley review
Nightingale cider company Falstaff Bramley review
Nightingale cider company Falstaff Bramley review
Nightingale cider company Falstaff Bramley review
Nightingale cider company Falstaff Bramley review
Nightingale cider company Falstaff Bramley review
Nightingale cider company Falstaff Bramley review

Night Bird



Pale yellow colour clear and sparkling.

Very slight sulphite smell but overwhelmed by big flowery apple and farmyard smell.

The cider has a refreshing taste with a slight citrus tang and quite sharp, almost sour, but not unpleasant. Has slight Gooseberry or Plum undertones so reminds me a little bit of a mellow Gouze. Nice fizzy aftertate almost like a sherbet.

Very very nice and refreshing. Almost a session cider at 4.9%. Very drinkable. Would be a good post meal cider or with desert I’d say. Actually quite easy to drink but possibly not for everyone. Would happily have more but wouldn’t go out of my way to get some. Shame it's only sold in cans.

Nightingale cider company Night Bird review
Nightingale cider company Night Bird review



Very light clear straw colour, flat.

Usual soft apple nose, but with a fairly strong sulphite smell .

Very simple clean flavour. Nothing outstanding, but nothing bad. Medium dry possibly

Nightingale cider company Tenterden review
Nightingale cider company Tenterden review

Wild Disco

Medium Dry

One of those rare ciders I tried from a can. Made from pure Discovery apples. Very pale yellow, clear sparkling

Strange smell initially, reminds me of turkey gravy for some reason with slight apple tones.

Not the tastiest cider again that taste of turkey skin. Apples are there on the side of the tongue with a bit of a floral taste,

Not the most pleasant to be honest. Reading other people's review it should taste fruity and floral so I'm wondering if I had a dodgy can. I've tasted this from the barrel on a different occasion and that was a lot better so I need to give this another go.

Nightingale cider company Wild Disco review
Nightingale cider company Wild Disco review

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