Cider with Evans

Pulp Cider

Not to be mistaken for Pulpt cider. Please don't mistake for Pulpt. This is a genuine cider maker from Herefordshire that have only been going from 2014 but from the bottles I've tried aren't doing a bad job. We picked up their cider on a trip to Herefordshire but they do have an online shop, so I'd give them a go.



Light golden, crystal clear and very sparkling (carbonated)

Big slightly yeasty nose, lots of rich apple in there.

Ooh nice. Deep slightly oily initial texture but lots of rich apple flavour, very mellow but with the slightest sharpness to make it interesting. Good mix of the sharp and the sweet here with very little tannin, but there is a dryness there in the aftertaste which is very refreshing.

This is a smack on little cider and you could drink that all evening without getting bored. Very refreshing and has a strong enough flavour to stand up to food. Seriously recommended.

Pulp Cider Apple review
Pulp Cider Apple review
Pulp Cider Apple review



Pale golden, clear and sparkling

Sweet pear nose.

Sweetish but very strong pear and pear drop flavour. Very fresh taste and beautifully refreshing. Possibly I'd call it medium sweet as opposed to medium but it's not sickly sweet by any stretch.

Nothing complex here, but there doesn't need to be sometimes. This is just an ideal summer cider that you can pour down with no problems at only 3.4 or 4% depending on which batch you get by the look of it. I'll certainly get some more in mid summer - possibly not so attractive on a cold December evening.

I'm also grateful that according to their web site this cider is free from celery, crustaceans (such as prawns, crabs and lobsters), molluscs (such as mussels and oysters), eggs, fish and finally lupins... and CAMRA get all het up about cider makers adding water!

Pulp Cider Pear review
Pulp Cider Pear review



Clear, golden and sparkling.

Decent rhubarb nose which smells genuine, and not in your face artificial like some.

Flavour wise it's the same. You get the Rhubarb and custard flavour but it's subdued and doesn't overpower the apple flavour that pokes through nicely in the middle and the aftertaste.

I like this one because it's not in your face like so many. You can tell it's actually a cider, but you get nice hints of he rhubarb and vanilla all the way through. Sadly of course what sells is the over the top artificial sweet ones, which is a shame as this is how it should be done.

Pulp Cider Rhubarb review
Pulp Cider Rhubarb review

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