Cider with Evans

Snails Bank Cider

I first came across this maker when I had a pint of their Raspberry Ripple cider at the Coracle Micropub in Ironbridge and was seriously impressed - one of the better raspberry ciders I've had.
They do a nice range of normal and fruity ciders and a good fast online ordering service. I'm very impressed with the ciders I've had from them on the whole and they're well worth checking out.

Apply Dapply

Medium Sweet

Mix of Gala and Russet apples

Copper Red, slightly hazy and sparkling.

Big fresh sweet red apple with a bit of Sherry on the side.

That sweet Sherry is in the taste but there is bittersweet apple in there as well. There’s a little bit of acid and tannin in there which balances out nicely.

Stays sweet in the aftertaste but not unpleasantly so.

Very interesting little medium sweet that. Lots going on and is quite easy to drink.

Snails Bank Cider Apply Dapply review
Snails Bank Cider Apply Dapply review

Fruit Bat

Medium Sweet

Dark Cherry colour, clear and sparkling.

Yes, smells of berries, Blackcurrant mainly. Actually smells genuine and not artificial though.

Flavour is mainly Blackcurrant, but you do get a bit of Strawberry coming out in the aftertaste. Obviously very little of the apple remains here and you don't get any tannins, but perhaps that's the point of them. Not that sweet and sickly for a fruit cider, and I think nicely chilled you could have a few of these.

A country mile better than the heavily processed fruit 'cider' muck that you'll get in your local pub, and would appeal to the same pallet I'm sure. Why oh why don't pubs sell this instead?

Snails Bank Cider Fruit Bat review
Snails Bank Cider Fruit Bat review

Raspberry Ripple

Medium Sweet

Cherry red slightly hazy sparkling.

Smells of raspberry ripple surprise surprise.

Oh but the taste is nowhere near as sweet as expected. Light sparkling Raspberry flavour with a hint of vanilla - a little bit sherbet like. Very similar to a Framboise but a bit lighter. This is actually very nice, nowhere near as sweet or artificial as I expected.

I think I’d struggle to do more than a pint but that is to be expected as I’d struggle to do more than a bottle of Framboise.

This is a very very nice end of evening drink and very recommended.

Snails Bank Cider Raspberry Ripple review
Snails Bank Cider Raspberry Ripple review
Snails Bank Cider Raspberry Ripple review


Medium Sweet

Yellow-red, clear and sparkling.

Huge nose that fills the room as is usual for Snail's Bank. Can't say it's strongly rhubarb, more berry like.

Hmm, nothing like rhubarb. It's possibly rhubarb and custard flavour, falling strongly on the vanilla. Obviously very little of the apple comes out. Long (too long) vanilla aftertaste.

I had a feeling this is a bottle of raspberry ripple that's been mis-labelled until I checked other reviews. Snailbank claim they don't use artificial flavouring but you could have fooled me here. It's very vanilla with very little rhubarb tartness. Perfectly fine to drink if you like the sweet vanilla (but I don't).

Snails Bank Cider Rhubarb review
Snails Bank Cider Rhubarb review



Review number 250!

Golden, clear and sparkling

Slightly tart, fresh and fruity nose.

Oh another nice one from Snail's Bank. Very mellow full bodied fruity flavour. A blend of the Dabinett, Harry Masters and Gilly apples - Therefore you get a rich medium cider with a small amount of tannin with a lovely buttery but not over buttery aftertaste. Refreshing and very easily drinkable making it a good session cider (but strong). Well worth looking for this one

Snails Bank Cider Vintage review
Snails Bank Cider Vintage review

Pig Squeal


Dark Gold colour, clear and flat

Slightly tart fruity and yeasty nose.

Ooh nice flavour. Lots of fruit. Very slightly tart initially, mellows very quickly to a full bodied mellow cider. Lots of fruit remains in the long smooth aftertaste mellow red apple with a slight floral twist.

Very nice Indeed, could easily drink this until you fall over.

Snails Bank Cider Pig Squeal review
Snails Bank Cider Pig Squeal review

Very Perry


Made from the wonderfully named Stinking Bishop pears Very pale golden, slight haze and flat

Slightly sweetish perry Pear nose with the slightest hint of acetone as you often get from perry.

That is a nice Perry. Very smooth initially and slightly sweet but full of over ripe pear flavour. Very buttery and thick flavour with a hint of sherry, but something catches nicely at the back of the throat to make it interesting. Long, slightly sweet aftertaste.

Very drinkable but possibly slightly sweet for me. They call it medium but I'd call it medium sweet

Snails Bank Cider Very Perry review
Snails Bank Cider Very Perry review



A mix of Dabinett and Michelin apples.

Golden, clear and flat

Farmyard fermented apple nose.

Sweetish apple pulp flavour with a fair amount of straw. A good cheek filling flavour with a little tannin and a nice long refreshing aftertaste

Good slid little session cider, could easily drink many.

Snails Bank Cider Tumbledown review

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