Cider with Evans

Tor Cider Company

Tor Cider Company is based just to the West of Wells in Somerset and we met them selling their wares in the market in Wells on a cold Saturday morning in January. They also do an online shop and it's well worth getting a selection pack from them. I tried 3 of their ciders and will get round to getting the other 2 at some point.

Monk's Ford


Golden, almost clear and sparkling

Yeasty slightly musky nose on top of the fermented apple.

Rich apple with quite a lot of tannin. Bits of yeast and leather in there with some woodiness. Very dry initially and the dryness stays there despite the sparkle on the tongue. It never truly mellows but you do get left with a bit of a mouth wetness. Lots of bittersour apples in there.

Not bad but I've had better vintage ciders I think.

Tor Cider Company Monk's Ford review
Tor Cider Company Monk's Ford review

Single Barrel


Copper yellow, ever so slightly cloudy, flat

Big huge farmyard cider nose. You can get the straw and the Brett in there (see

Good dry cider flavour with a huge amount of fruit, mellows quickly to a long aftertaste leaving nicely refreshed at the end. Well balanced amount of tannin. Not hugely dry as it leaves the lining on your teeth but has the usual slight cheese flavour on the side of the tongue. All around a very nice little cider

Tor Cider Company Single Barrel review
Tor Cider Company Single Barrel review

Fenny Castle Vintage Reserve


Golden, clear with a slight sparkle.

Smells dry wih a big fermented apple nose

Dry cheesy flavour and quite pleasant. A fair amount of the sharp green apple skins comes through with a slight woodiness. It's a fairly astringent number without a huge amount of tannin. Shortish sparkling aftertaste leaving a nice mouth wetness.

Not bad at all. Uses American and French oak barrels for the fermentation

Tor Cider Company Fenny Castle Vintage Reserve review
Tor Cider Company Fenny Castle Vintage Reserve review

Little Burcott


Golden, almost clear and slightly sparkling

New release dry cider. Nice full mellow nose with lots of fresh fruit.

Very earthy astringent initial hit which quickly mellows to lots of fruit and a fair amount of tannin. Bittersweet and a nice long lingering, well balanced aftertaste.

Very much a traditional west country cider and a decent example of.

Tor Cider Company Little Burcott review
Tor Cider Company Little Burcott review

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